Helping create new brands that promote business💼, people and the world as a whole.
Design is one of the most powerful marketing tools. It conveys the unique essence of business, and is responsible for the identity and transmission of its philosophy to people.
At ideil we combine dry stats, strategy, numbers with creativity and ideas. This is how we create a brand that stands out, communicates, sells, likes and attracts. It’s the core of the business on which its success depends.
Creating a company name is a combination of marketing and creativity. Applying these two components and generating a naming brand which:
- combines its services and goods
- singles out your company apart from the competitors
- easily remembered by the audience
Every company needs a corporate identity distinguishing itself among the others. This way, a brand, company or business is remembered and recognized.
- аanalyzing competitors and highlighting the distinctive qualities of your company
- thoroughly studying the business in detail: the type of services or goods it offers, its target audience
Сreating a unique corporate identity that sets you apart from the competition and makes the brand attractive to the audience. Adding a guideline, instructions for using the identity in different forms
- logos with the proper placement, aspect ratio, size and variations of auxiliary colors
- брендування продукції компанії: на ручках, блокнотах чи бейджах
- branding of the company's products: on pens, notebooks or badges, on the company's website and online store
- on boards, citylights
Our team also creates a social network style: developing layouts for different types of posts and designing a profile, advertising the services and products of the brand by using digital marketing and SMM.
KRUTЬ: Music Evening Promo Campaign
Diia Business
UNITED24 Media
Forbes news website
Max Kidruk
Grand Persona app
in the process of translation
Ring Delivery
Forbes magazine subscription
Фармацевтичний бізнес-портал
in the process of translation
Простір подарунків lyba
in the process of translation
in the process of translation
School Years
Chalet TwoSeasons
in the process of translation
My Gadget
in the process of translation
Online store Estro
in the process of translation
Jamala: album Qirim